
Channeling the feeling of youth on the fringe, Chastity focuses on the earnest connections found amongst the pent up suburban blue-collar. Living in Whitby, Ontario, Brandon Williams creates music in a space of urgency, melody and chaos – an artifact of youth culture that bridges isolation and collectivity. Chastity is a protean temperament in punk, in recent history sharing the stage with Priests and Fucked Up, the project carries in the ethic of solidarity, antagonistic to the status quo.

Chains is a brief but loaded EP that takes the bull by the horns. Each track is crafted with the very mindfulness Williams finds so essential. It’s a level of creative intent that has defined Chastity since the project’s inception, but is perhaps most palpable to date on Chains – a progression in intensity resulting more from a rapidly changing world than the artist himself. Williams explains, “when I’m drawn to write I’m either sad or I am pissed. The world has changed since writing my last release, and both the sad and pissed feelings have since increased.”