Zoon: The WL Interview

Purveyors of: culturally and spiritually influenced sonic experimentation, packaged in the shoegaze world.

File Next to: My Bloody Valentine, Whoop-Szo, nêhiyawak

Playing: Saturday, February 20th at 8pm: Night one of our digital Winter Festival, happening on our YouTube channel.

From Nicholas Cooper of The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope radio program.

In Ojibway, Zoongide’ewin means “bravery, courage, the Bear Spirit.” It is also Daniel Monkman’s adopted musical moniker. Zoon’s album, Bleached Wavves was released in June 2020 on Paper Bag Records.

We are delighted to have Zoon join us for our digital Winter Festival, happening on our YouTube channel Saturday, February 20th with Backxwash and Maryze. 7-10pm EST.

This interview was conducted by Nicholas Cooper of The Sentinel’s Marvellous Kaleidoscope. You can catch the SMK every Monday from 3-5 PM EST on CFRU 93.3 FM in Guelph, ON and online at cfru.ca