Zords: The Wavelength Interview

Purveyors of: Synth jams simultaneously doleful and animated, with fetching bass hooks and cherub-like vocals
File next to: Wild Nothing, Chromatics, New Order, Cut Copy
Playing next: WL616 – Saturday Sept. 13 at Smiling Buddha.

Forged in the sine wave, Toronto synth-pop band Zords attempt to make you move your bod while floating through the cosmic delight that is their live performance. With driving hooks and complementary dazzling projections, I promise you will be leaving the venue highly satisfied with your night choice. If not, you can punch my face. HARD! Catch them at Wavelength 616 at the Smiling Buddha on September 13, performing with Animal Faces, ctznshp, and WHIMM.

Can you describe your music for those who may not have seen you yet?

We sound like a band that would play at “Tech Noir.” You know, the nightclub that the Terminator chases Sarah Connor through in the first film.

What is your method for writing songs?

Mike writes the songs and we (Drew and Adam) take all the credit.

How long have you guys been playing music together?

Adam: The three of us have been playing together for about three years now. It started with the previous band we played in called Mango Angle,but Drew and Mike first played together in a band they formed with a few friends during college called Beard Season. And Mike and I have been jamming since we first picked up guitars.

Who drives the van to gigs, who’s most likely to stay sober to drive home?

(Mike and Drew look at each other)Adam.

How important is having a visual component to your overall live aesthetic?

It’s very important to us. We want to engage our audience as more than just musicians. Provide them with a totally encompassing experience and really try to get them to let loose and enjoy themselves. When we can accomplish that, those are our most satisfying shows and that visual aspect really seems to help us do that.

Adam, you are a recording engineer; Drew and Mike, you are both visual artists. Is it important that everything band-related gets done in-house and independently? Would you be willing to collaborate with other artists in the future?

Yes, we would definitely want to collaborate with other artists in the future. There have been some discussions with friends in other bands to write some songs together or have them make guest appearances on a few tracks. Even joining us on stage during a live set for a song or two, but nothing has come to fruition just yet, hopefully in the near future. Although,
Mike and Brandon (of Most People) do play together in their side project Rave Tapes, so there is some collaboration already happening.

In regards to keeping everything in-house, it’s not necessarily something we’re set on. It’s just more comfortable and convenient for us to do it ourselves and it gives us complete creative control over all of our work. And considering we have some of the skills and resources to do so, why not? Not to mention it’s a lot cheaper when you do everything yourself.

Mike and Adam, you guys are brothers. Drew, what’s it like working with siblings? is there a Liam and Noel Gallagher thing going on?

Drew It’s like I’m watching an episode of Full House that never ends and they’re playing all the characters. (laughs)

Where did the name Zords stem from?

It was just a name that seemed to fit with the music. It has a dark and almost mechanical feel to it ,and sounds very familiar, but is not actually a real word, which makes it somewhat unique to us. It also lends a bit of nostalgia which is something we try to create with our music as well. Plus, it’s short and sweet and starts with a “Z,” the best letter in the alphabet.

If every band in the world was looking for you to play for them, which band would each of you choose?

Mike: I think it would be cool to have played with the Talking Heads.

Drew: Yeah, or even Devo.

Adam: I’d be happy just being the hype man for Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. (laughs)

— Interview by Most People