Stephen Lindsey (General Chaos Visuals)

Inspired by the psychedelic, immersive visuals at the shows of his favorite band, Hawkwind, Steve Lindsey founded General Chaos Visuals in 2000 alongside fellow prog-rock fan Eric Siegerman, and since then has provided distinct backdrops to over 600 Wavelength shows. The images used on his hand painted gels are entirely abstract, using techniques he personally developed to give his imagery its unmistakable look. General Chaos’s visual artistry serves to draw attention to the artist in a busy environment, enhancing what the artist is trying to put across. General Chaos considers it his privilege to see and present the music of so many amazing talented musicians.

Although some may be concerned his still growing collection of projectors points to deeper issues, Steve considers his 40-year-young collection of projectors a must to keep pace to present visuals that do justice to the bands and halls that lucky Toronto audiences get to enjoy year-round.



