Jennie Punter

Jennie Punter is the editor of Musicworks, a respected Canadian print magazine that explores innovative artists and ideas in music and sound art. She oversees Musicworks Society of Ontario Inc., a non-profit with a small staff, many contributors, a board of directors, and active community of readers, followers, and partners. She is a regular correspondent to Variety. She has written thousands of articles and reviews for magazines and newspapers, primarily on music and film. She was an editor and writer for Music Express and IMPACT, and contributing editor on music to Flare.

She has also worked as a field producer and writer in documentary film. She is an active member of the Toronto Film Critics Association, Magazines Canada’s Arts & Literary Magazines Committee, and the Polaris Music Prize jury. Jennie is a musician, mom, cyclist, and lifelong fan and supporter of local indie music and the arts.



